We are New Zealand’s primary industry of the future.
Unrivalled opportunity
The world can’t get enough of our nutritious and delicious products. We generate about $800 million in revenue each year ($606m in export earnings and estimated domestic revenue of approx. $185m), by farming a fraction of our coastal waters. We are set to grow exponentially in the next 15 years.
Source: Statistics NZ
More surf with our turf
We love a lamb roast and steak as much as the next Kiwi, but with salmon generating a return 16,000 times greater than sheep and beef, New Zealand needs to be serving more surf with the turf on our primary industries menu.
High value nutrition
The natural health properties of our food are harnessed in powders, oils, and derivatives which are taken by humans and pets, for functional health benefits. The sector generates $60 million a year and is growing consistently.
We have a range of research programmes underway to grow our science and knowledge so we can deliver more high value nutritional food and products to the world.
Nutraceuticals sales enquiries
20 Senior Place, Bromley, Christchurch, 8062
Dry Food NZ
+64 (21) 499 803
Mills Bay Mussels
23a Inglis Street, Havelock, 7100
Nutri Zing
50 - 58 Parkhouse Road, Christchurch 8042
Sanford Bioactives (a division of Sanford Ltd)
23 Vernon Street, Riverlands, Blenheim, 7274
Waitaki Biosciences
3 Desi Place, Hillsborough, Christchurch, 8022
We create jobs
We already employ over 3,000 Kiwis – many in regional areas. There will be thousands of new jobs created as we grow.
We’re partnering with Maori and communities to realise meaningful jobs, wellbeing and prosperity.

Aquaculture is the lifeblood of towns like Whangaroa, Kaitaia, Opotiki, Coromandel, Havelock, Akaroa, Twizel, Bluff and Oban.
It props up the local economy, bolsters the population, creates jobs where opportunities are limited and supports a range of causes that sustain our social fabric.
Mussels are revitalising Opotiki
More than a job: Southland aquaculture