High Country Salmon moving to green packaging

High Country Salmon Image Aquaculture NZ 101120.jpg

High Country Salmon are giving polybins the biff, in favour of sustainable wool based packaging.

“We are in the very early stages of our transition from polybins to the WOOLPACK products and we are very excited. It has been a long road to get here,” said Cheryl Ashton, Sales and Administration Manager

WOOLPACK is an environmentally friendly packaging option made by Planet Protector using 100% New Zealand waste wool.

“It has taken our dispatch team a little time to come to grips with the changes to accommodate the building of boxes and matching of wool inserts in their small dispatch area but they are making it happen.”

“We are moving from polystyrene because it no longer fits with our company’s commitment to sustainability and protecting our environment, and also our customers keep asking for something better.

“It is breathable, light, odour resistant and insulating and most of all, our customers love it! They get fresh, sustainably farmed, glacial mountain salmon delivered to their door in a fully recyclable box. Awesome!”

High Country are not alone with Clevedon Coast Oysters also switching to WOOLPACK for their international shipments.

Planet Protector New Zealand Sales Manager Tina Thomas said she would love to hear from other aquaculture producers looking to move to greener packaging.

To help producers learn if WOOLPACK is right for them, Planet Protector is offering complimentary thermal testing simulating supply chain conditions in their environmental testing facility.

For more information email: tina@planetprotector.co.nz

Nick Ippolito

CEO & Co-Founder at SquareKicker
No-Code Design and Animation Extension for Squarespace Websites


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